Articles in Turkish media
- Category: People
- Published: 24 January 2009
- Written by Administrator
- Hits: 94001
Türkkaya Ataöv is Professor Emeritus in International Relations at Ankara University, Turkey. He did his graduate work in the United States, where he received two M.A.s (NYU & Syracuse Univ.) and a Ph.D. (1959, Syracuse U., NY). He taught at Ankara Univ. for more than four decades and lectured in several American, British, Russian, German, Dutch, Indian, Chinese, Middle Eastern, African and Australian universities.
He is the author of close to 140 books (most of which have been in foreign languages and printed in Europe or in the Americas), a few hundred academic treaties, and a few thousand newspaper articles. His writings have been translated into 20 languages and appeared in 17 European, 13 Asian, 5 African, and 3 American states plus Australia...
He was elected to central executive positions of UN-related international organizations, dealing with racial discrimination, human rights, terrorism, nuclear war, and exchange of prisoners of war.
Professor Ataöv published 80 books or booklets on the Armenian issue, was invited (as "witness of authority") by the Paris court to the two (1984 & 1985) trials of Armenian terrorists, participated in the UN (1985) Geneva meetings of the Human Rights Commission on the Genocide Convention, and partook in several meetings of the European Parliament that dealt with the Armenian issue.
Professor Ataöv received 17 academic awards or medals in recognition of his published works and activities. They include two (Italian and Federal Yugoslavian) presidential medals, two UN-affiliated awards, and several honorary doctorates and academic citations.
A partial list of Professor Ataöv's books is as follows:
- Amerikan Belgeleriyle Amerikan Emperyalizminin Doğuşu (1959)
- Birleşmiş Milletler Sekreteryasıyla İlgili Bazı İdari Meseleler Ve Hal Çareleri (1959)
- 1815-1965 Arasında Devletler Tarafından Kurulan Milletlerarası Teşekküller (1960)
- Keşmir Meselesinin Önemi (1960)
- Milletlerarası Münasebetler Nedir ve Üniversitelerde Nasıl Okutulabilir (1960)
- Sovyet Rusya'da İşçilerin Bugünkü Durumu : İşçinin Parti, Devlet ve Sendikalarla Münasebeti (1960)
- Chronology : Turkey's İnternational Relations, January 1-December 30, 1960 (1960)
- Milletlerarası Münasebetlerde Kuvvet Muvazenemesi Sistemi (1961)
- Milletlerarası Politika Öğretiminin Muhtevası (1961)
- Selective Turkish Bibliography on İnternational Relations (1961)
- Sovyetler Birliği Devlet İdaresi Ders Kitabı (1961)
- Symposium on the Teaching of İnternational Politics in Turkey (1961)
- The 27th of May Revolution and Its Aftermath (1961)
- Milli Gücü Meydana Getiren Unsurlar (1961)
- Bilimsel Araştırma El Kitabı (1965)
- Turkish Foreign Policy 1939-1935 (1965)
- Amerika, NATO ve Türkiye (1969)
- N.A.T.O. and Turkey (1970)
- Afrika Ulusal Kurtuluş Mücadeleleri (1975)
- Türkish Painting (1979)
- Silahsızlanma Gereği (1979)
- Ermeni Sorunu (1981)
- Kudüs ve Devletler Hukuku (1981)
- Eşref Üren (1982)
- A 'Statement' Wrongly Attributed to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1984)
- A Brief Glance At The Armenian Question (1984)
- An Armenian Author on "Patriotism Perveted" (1984)
- Hitler and the Armenian Question / Hitler et la Question Armenienne (1984)
- Une "Declaration" Faussement a Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1984)
- A 'Statement' Wrongly Attributed To Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1984)
- De Andonian "Documenten" Welke Ann Talat Pasha Worden Toegeschreven (1984)
- The Andonian "Documents" Attributed to Talat Pasha are Forgeries / Les "Documents" d'Andonian Attribues Talat Pacha Sont Des Faux / Die Talat Pascha Zugeschriebenen Andonianischen "Documente" Sind Fölschungen (1984)
- Talat Paşa'ya Atfedilen Andonian "Belgeler"i Sahtedir (1984)
- A British Report (1895): Armenians Unmasked (1985)
- A British Source (1916) on the Armenian Question (1985)
- An Armenian Falsfication (1985)
- Armenian Author on Patriotism Perver (1985)
- Armenian source: Hovhannes Katchaznouni Un source Armenienne (1985)
- Deaths Caused by Disease in Relation to the Armenian Question (1985)
- Documents on the Armenian Question (1985)
- Documents se Rapportant a la Quesion Armenienne : Documents Falsifies et Authentiques (1985)
- Hitler and the "Armeian question" / Hitler et la "question Armeienne" (1985)
- İkinci Dünya Savaşı: Neden Çıktı? Nasıl Sürdü? Asya ve Afrika'yı Nasıl Etkiledi? (1985)
- Les Rapports (1918) d'officiers Russes Relatifs Aux Atrocitas Commises par les Armeniens (1985)
- The Reports (1918) of Russian officers on atrocities by Armenians (1985)
- Un Rapport Anglais (1895) "Les Armeniens Demansques" (1985)
- Une Source Britannique (1916) Relative A La Question Armenienne (1985)
- Siyonizm ve Irkçılık (1985)
- Une Falsification Armenienne (1985)
- Ce qui s'est Reellement Passe a Geneva: La Verite au Sujet du "Rapport Whiltaker" (1986)
- Documentos Sobre la cuestion Armenia: Falsificados y Autenticos (1986)
- Eine Armenische Heuchelei (1986)
- Les Archives Ottomanes et le Question Armenienne (1986)
- The American Source (1895) on the Armenian Question (1986)
- What Really Happened in Geneva: the Truth About the 'Whitaker Report' (1986)
- An American Source (1895) on the Armenian Question (1986)
- Lockerbie Case: Sancitons Against Libya and Legality (1992)
- Lockerbie Olayı: Libya'ya Karşı Yaptırımlar ve Hukuksallık (1992)
- Turkish Painters Fikret Moualla (1992)
- Turgut Atalay'ın Çizimleri (1995)
- Çatışmaların kaynağı olarak ayrımcılık (1996)
- The Armenian Question: Conflict, Trauma, Objectiviy (1999)
- Discrimination and Conflict (2000)
- Kashmir and neighbours: tale, terror, truce (2001)
- Hindistan : Siyaset yazıları (2002)
- Cumhuriyet ve Küreselleşme (2002)
- Ermeni belge düzmeciliği (2006)