
    • Total amount fundraised by the Turkish-American community in US has reached the record-level $1,000,000 mark. Thanks to the dedication of Turkish Americans across the country, historical benchmarks have been reached in this important election cycle reflecting the growing activism on the part of Turkish Americans in the US political process. Over $1,050,000 has been raised by Turkish Americans for the Democratic and Republican Parties and congressional, state and local candidates. Turkish Americans have supported financially nearly 100 candidates and have sponsored some 40 fundraisers. This puts the Turkish Americans on the political map of the United States.zzz      

    • TurkishPAC contributed $800 to the fundraiser for Ohio Congresswoman Jean Schmid.

    • TurkishPAC contributed $340 to the fundraiser for Kansas Congressman candidate Jim Slattery.

    • TurkishPAC contributed $1,000 to the fundraiser for Texas Congressman John Culberson.

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