- Category: General Announcements
- Published: 11 January 2011
- Written by Administrator
- Hits: 27731
Turkish Coalition of America published an annotated map of forced migration and mortality in the Ottoman Empire. Prepared by the eminent historian and demographer Justin McCarthy, the map displays the trails of 5 million Ottoman Muslims who perished in the wars that were fought to dismantle the Ottoman Empire between 1864-1922.
- Category: General Announcements
- Published: 03 January 2011
- Written by Administrator
- Hits: 27276

Read more: TCA Applauds Appointment of New US Ambassador to Turkey
- Category: General Announcements
- Published: 04 May 2010
- Written by Administrator
- Hits: 23025
A multinational panel of independent researchers of American, Turkish and European ancestry prepared a white paper on the Armenian issue in April 2010. This short document gives a general overview of the Armenian issue and debunks the most commonly used claims by Armenians and their supporters. Please click here to access this invaluable document.
- Category: General Announcements
- Published: 23 April 2010
- Written by Administrator
- Hits: 22562
On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of April 23 Turkish National Sovereignty and Children's Day, Mayor of the City of Houston Annise Parker issued a proclamation. Please click here to see a copy of the proclamation.
- Category: General Announcements
- Published: 21 March 2010
- Written by Administrator
- Hits: 21004
The Turkish Coalition of America is now accepting applications for its 2010 TCAdvance Scholarship Program.
TCAdvance Scholarship Program was established in 2007 with the goal to support American students of Turkish heritage who pursue a degree and career in public and international affairs, law, communications and public relations. The scholarship is awarded on the basis of academic achievement, civic engagement, particularly active participation in Turkish American community affairs, as well as individual leadership qualities. Since the program's inception, the scholarship was awarded to 36 students.
The application deadline is Friday, June 11, 2010. The scholarship recipients will be announced on July 4, 2010 and scholarships will be awarded on October 29, 2010.
For detailed information on how to apply, please visit the TCA website.
- Category: General Announcements
- Published: 15 October 2009
- Written by Administrator
- Hits: 19855
Turkey closed its Armenian Border and suspended the relations between Turkey and Armenia as a consequence of the Armenian occupation of the Azerbaijani territory of Nagorno-Karabagh, in 1992. Recently a protocol between the Turkish and the Armenian governments has been signed, which may lead to the opening of Borders and normalizations of relations between the two nations, if approved by both nations’ parliaments.
Read more: TurkishPAC's Position on the Recently Signed Protocol
- Category: General Announcements
- Published: 31 August 2009
- Written by Administrator
- Hits: 20613
9th Circuit Court of Appeals invalidated the 2000 Poochigian Law, in Movsesian v. Victoria Versicherung, et al.
In 2000 California enacted a law sponsored by state Senator Chuck Poochigian that sought to force insurance companies that had sold life insurance in the Ottoman Empire to Ottoman Armenians in effect to pay reparations to Armenian claimants under the disputed theory that they died from acts of genocide.
- Category: General Announcements
- Published: 16 June 2009
- Written by Administrator
- Hits: 19376

With the newest additions of Robert Latta (R-Ohio/5th District), Brian Baird (D-Washington/3rd District), Rodney Alexander (R-Louisiana/5th District), Vic Snyder (D-Arkansas/2nd District) and Russ Carnahan (D-Missouri/3rd District), the Caucus on US-Turkish Relations and Turkish Americans in the US House of Representatives reached its highest membership since its formation and now includes 87 members of Congress. The Turkish Caucus is a bi-partisan platform for members of Caucus to focus on US-Turkish relations and issues that concern Turkish Americans. Many of its members have joined this Caucus due to the efforts of their Turkish American constituents and friends of Turkey.
A full list of the Caucus members can be found at TCA website.